You think editorial content doesn't play a role in the performance of your online advertising? Then we recommend this text.
The perception of online advertising is more complex than the rather simple and conventional metric of click-through rate would suggest. This is because online advertising, such as banners, is of course also registered by the visitor to a website if no click follows. This is where it gets a bit more complex, but also more exciting for all those who book online advertising and also for those who offer banner advertising on their portals, such as we do.
Disturbs on Facebook
Researchers have found that the perception of advertising and, above all, the sustainability of the effect of online advertising is closely linked to the content environment and its presumed credibility in which banners or other forms of advertising are placed. In order to prove this, the Berlin-based media research company Eye Square has conducted a Online survey collectedThe survey showed that 72 per cent of the 807 respondents thought that the content on news portals was of higher quality than that on Facebook. 66 percent consider the content of news portals to be more credible overall than that on Facebook. 62 percent complained about the many advertisements from companies on the social network, which made it more difficult for users to discover the posts from friends that were relevant to them. In turn, 60 percent felt that advertising between private postings was "inappropriate". However, there will be more of these ads on Facebook in the future, because the social network is increasing the organic reach of companies' postings. limited by a change in the algorithm.
Quality makes you likeable
The credibility of editorial content, as another study from Germany also proved, also has consequences for the recall values of online advertising: the higher the quality of the editorial content is rated, the higher the probability of recall. And not only that: journalistic content on a website also contributes to the fact that a brand that advertises on such a website appears more likeable. Meanwhile, in a study conducted in 2015, the German IFAK Institute, together with several German consumer publishers, proved that media that are considered quality titles can increase the advertising impact by 40 per cent - not only online, by the way, but also in print. Trust in the medium is what really makes advertising perform.
Incidentally, the interaction between high-quality editing and advertising perception can also be applied to what is currently perhaps the most hyped advertising medium: Videos. Only last year, a study by the American neuroscience institute Neuro-Insight found that Moving image advertising on news portals works better than in the newsfeed of a social media networkBecause both hemispheres of the brain, i.e. the emotional and the rational, are addressed on news portals, the effectiveness of video advertising is higher there than with advertising videos on social media portals - and is also more relevant for the user personally.
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