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Today: Hanna Hochedlinger, Online Editorial Factory
Hanna Hochedlinger has been part of the online editorial team at WEKA Industrie Medien for just under a month. In our blog, she talks to us about why she fits in at Factory and tells us something that not many people know about her.
Industriemedien: Hanna, how did you come across WEKA Industrie Medien?
Hanna Hochedlinger: I saw a job posting on a career platform for an online editor where you can also use and develop your social media skills. After seeing the very likeable interview video on YouTube, I really wanted to become part of the online team and thought I'd give it a try.
Industriemedien: What did you do before that?
Hanna Hochedlinger: I am currently still studying journalism and communication science at the University of Vienna and am now in the final spurt. I expect (or rather hope) to finish my Bachelor's degree in the summer. Before that, I worked for a little over a year in the PR industry, at The Skills Group.
Industriemedien: PR is actually something quite different from what you do now at WEKA. How did the change of direction come about?
Hanna Hochedlinger: I was interested in journalism, video and the whole topic of digital right from the start. In the third semester, I had to choose practical fields - and in the course of the first practical field, PR, I also applied for an internship in this area and finally gained experience in a PR agency for over a year. I also found that very exciting. But the second big field that always interested me was journalism. And that is the next milestone for me.
Industrial media: We are strongly represented in the B2B sector. There are probably some topics that have a lot to do with industry and commerce. Things that you don't deal with as much as an end consumer. How do you feel about working with such topics and what do you find interesting about our magazine Factory?
Hanna Hochedlinger: Well, I'm actually a person who is very easy to get excited about, but also critical. That is definitely an advantage for such specific "niche" interests. My interest grows privately and I almost can't stop clicking through from article to article. And especially with technology topics, I find it interesting to prepare them in such a way that they are exciting for a larger target group.
Industriemedien: What are your expectations of your job here?
Hanna HochedlingerMany dogs (laughs). That I gain even more experience in the digital field. As a digital native, it is almost taken for granted that you are some kind of expert in social media, website programming and so on. I would like to develop more in this area.
Industriemedien: You've only been with us for a short time - but what is your impression of WEKA so far?
Hanna Hochedlinger: So something that surprised me a lot: I think publishing is a very tough industry in general, yet it seems very relaxed here. Especially for a publishing house, I don't have the feeling that there is constant tension. But I'm sure that the great respect and the eye-to-eye interaction also play an important role.
Industry media: What are things you like to do?
Hanna Hochedlinger: I love playing computer games. From brand new games on the Nintendo Switch to retro games on old consoles. I'm also very interested in IT and automation, two topics that are also important at Factory Magazine. I also like to go to museums and different exhibitions.
Industry media: Is there something that not many people know about you? What is a fun fact about you?
Hanna Hochedlinger: I was born on 12/12 at 12:12.
Thank you for the interview!
The interview was conducted by Ricarda Huber.