You certainly have many good ideas for producing new content for your company. But how do you know if this content will perform well? Our practical and interactive topic test will give you an indication.
To state that is one thing. But as Service provider With the claim of exploiting the strategic potential of content marketing for our clients, we also want to give you one or the other simple tool to implement optimisation ideas. From the results of our study and this claim, we have now developed our theme test was created.
It is designed to provide you with a decision path for your topic search and to give you a clue in just ten questions that you answer, whether a theme is suitable as an evergreen, for example. It takes no more than five minutes to complete our topic test. Immediately after the last question, you will receive the number of points achieved for the content and a classification of whether the points achieved are more in favour of or more against the topic. However, we recommend that you complete it together with people responsible from other departments or at least together with your marketing team so that you can incorporate as realistic an assessment as possible.
We wish you much pleasure and a good hand in your choice of topics!